WordPress Developers Westminster

WordPress Agency Westminster

Hi I’m Barry Reynolds, a WordPress developer here at WP Canterbury. We work with clients in Westminster and across London & Kent. Call or email to discuss your development project further.

Call: 01227 678 160
Email: info@wpcanterbury.co.uk


Do You Need a WordPress Developer?


WP Canterbury is a leading Westminster WordPress Agency that specialises in custom theme and plugin development for businesses of all sizes. Our expert developers use their technical and creative skills to deliver exceptional results. With our ongoing support and maintenance, your website stays secure and up-to-date.

Our WordPress developers work closely with small-to-medium businesses and entrepreneurs to create custom websites that cater to their needs. From building a business website to an e-commerce platform or a job board, we have the expertise to develop a website that aligns with your technical requirements.


Website Development

Our experienced WordPress developers build effective websites with custom WP themes using the best plugins with efficient coding for fast mobile and SEO-optimised websites.



We offer custom WordPress plugin development, configuration and installation. We develop custom plugins to the specifications and functionality you require.


drag-and-drop capabilities

Our WordPress developers install and configure the leading page builders, including Elementor and Bricks Builder, enabling you to publish and manage content on your website.



We integrate external applications into your website using the WordPress REST API, allowing secure data exchange between CRMs, booking and marketing apps etc.



We migrate websites from Drupal or Joomla into WordPress, ensuring the secure and accurate content, SEO and web design transfer with 301 URL redirects.



We create multilingual websites enabling your visitors to switch up to 110+ languages with manual or auto translations and geotargeted language selection.


Experienced WordPress Developers

Building Customised Websites with Expertise

We are passionate about using our technical expertise to help our clients bring their ideas to life and build functional and visually impressive websites. We create customised websites that meet the needs of each client and provide support throughout & after the WordPress development process.

Serving client in Westminster, our expertise and experience in building customised websites and integrating new features make us a reliable partner for businesses seeking to enhance their online presence.

WordPress Developers Canterbury, Kent | WP Canterbury



We enjoy working with WordPress and ambitious clients, and this shows in our passion, ideas, hard work and innovation that we seek to apply to all WordPress projects.

EXPERIENCED WordPress Developers Westminster

We have developed a wide range of WordPress websites and have extensive experience integrating the leading WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions. Every year, we continually seek to update our skills, use the latest WordPress plugins & innovations and apply these to projects.


We are commercially aware developers and understand that for most companies, their website is a significant tool to generate new business through sales leads, product sales or brand awareness. Our knowledge and experience of SEO, Google Ads and applying technical SEO to WordPress is extensive and invaluable to companies.


We build new websites but often work with existing websites to add functionality as a series of smaller projects or provide development-only services for marketing agencies that provide the website designs. We can accommodate a range of projects and will analyse existing websites or designs to give you a detailed quotation for a specific development project.


We Create Successful Business Websites

Custom Websites with Advanced Functionality

We have developed a wide range of projects in various industries over the last 15+ years. Our portfolio includes business websites, online job boards, large news websites, lead generation sites, eCommerce stores, and blogs. To expand your business, consider partnering with our WordPress Developers serving Westminster.

Our skilled WordPress developers are experienced in developing custom websites with advanced functionality. We focus on creating websites that look great and provide a seamless user experience. Every business is unique, so we work closely with our clients to understand their needs and tailor our solutions accordingly.

WordPress Developers Case Study 1: WP Canterbury, Kent & London
WordPress Developers Case Study 2: WP Canterbury, Kent & London
WordPress Developers Case Study 3: WP Canterbury, Kent & London

Wordpress Plugin Development

Maximise the Potential of Your Website

We work with various plugins to increase your website's functionality. We use leading WordPress plugins to ensure compatibility with other plugins and the availability of future updates and support. Click on the links below to learn more about specific plugins.

Please don't hesitate to contact us to speak with a skilled WordPress developer and discuss your project requirements in detail. You can call us on 01227 678 160 or email info@wpcanterbury.co.uk.


Manage Content With WordPress Page Builders

The Right Page Builder for Your Business Needs

We understand the importance of having a visually appealing website that is easy to manage. That's why we use WordPress page builders to create websites that are simple to update and maintain. We use page builders such as Bricks Builder, Elementor, and Gutenberg integrated with Advanced Custom Fields for more control.

Each page builder has advantages and disadvantages. Elementor tends to be easier to use; however, it can be slower on larger sites. Gutenberg can be much faster but more complicated to set up and manage. Bricks Builder is quick and has advanced controls but is more challenging to use than Elementor.


5-Star Reviews On Google

Clients Reviews on WordPress Development

We take pride in our WordPress development services, which have been gained many 5-star reviews from our clients based Westminster and the UK. These reviews are a testament to the exceptional quality of work we deliver and our commitment to reliability and customer satisfaction.

Simon Pogmore WP Canterbury Review 5 / 5 ★★★★★
Simon Pogmore

I enjoyed working with WP Canterbury on a WordPress project, and I'm very happy with the results. They are skilled WordPress developers and demonstrated excellent communication throughout the entire process.

Julie Mason WP Canterbury Review 5 / 5 ★★★★★
Julie Mason

Exceptional WordPress Developers. Barry at WP Canterbury exceeded expectations with his expertise, delivering a stunning and functional website. Timely, communicative, and highly recommended for any WordPress project.

Nick Cooke WP Canterbury Review 5 / 5 ★★★★★
Nick Cooke

WP Canterbury, did an exceptional job creating a website that looks great and works well. They kept us informed throughout the project and finished it on time. We highly recommend them for WordPress development services.


Front End WordPress Developers


A front-end WordPress developer is a professional who specialises in creating the user-facing aspects of a WordPress website. Their primary focus is on designing and developing the parts of the website that users interact with directly, such as the layout, navigation, forms, and visual elements.

Although there is overlap with the tasks of a backend WordPress developer, there are significant differences. Here are some key responsibilities and skills associated with a front-end WordPress developer:

HTML/CSS: The process of designing and developing websites involves the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML is used to create and structure the content, CSS is used to style and visually enhance the website, and JavaScript is used to add interactive and dynamic elements to the website. Creating websites involves using these programming languages to ensure that the website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and functional.

WordPress Theme Development: Front-end WordPress developers specialise in creating custom WordPress themes or modifying existing themes using a combination of programming languages. Their goal is to create themes that are visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly, while also meeting the unique needs of a website.

Responsive Design: Responsive design is a crucial aspect of creating a website that can be accessed by users on all types of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. A responsive automatically adjusts its layout and content to fit the screen size of the device being used to view it. It ensures that the website is compatible with all types of browsers, thereby reaching a wider audience.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Cross-browser testing is a crucial aspect of front-end WordPress development that ensures that websites work across various browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It helps provide a consistent user experience and ensures the website can reach a broad audience. Front-end developers test websites across different browsers to ensure compatibility and make any necessary adjustments.

Maintenance: A front-end WordPress developer maintains and updates existing websites by adding new features and functionality. In addition to adding new features and functionality, a front-end developer may also be responsible for troubleshooting and debugging issues on the website and optimising the site for performance and search engine rankings.

Problem-Solving Skills: An essential aspect of front-end development is problem-solving skills. Quickly identifying and troubleshooting issues related to code, performance, and other front-end development problems is crucial for delivering web projects. Front-end developers should have a strong understanding of the underlying technologies and use that knowledge to find solutions to complex problems.


Local Westminster Pubs & Bars

Discover the best places for a drink in Westminster

Many of our clients visit us in London and Canterbury, where they are captivated by the stunning architecture of these beautiful cities. To enhance their experience, we have curated a list of the best pubs and bars in Westminster for them to explore.


WordPress REST API

Transforming Your Website Experience

Our WordPress API Integration services are designed to help you connect with various software solutions, including payment gateways and CRM systems. We understand the importance of having a robust and reliable system in place, which is why we ensure that our integration services are customised to meet your specific needs.

WordPress API Integration services can help streamline your business processes and improve productivity. Our WordPress developer discusses your requirements and suggests the best solution to integrate your website with external software systems. We ensure the integration is seamless without disrupting your website's performance.

CRM System

Manage Customer Interactions

Integrating a CRM with WordPress streamlines your marketing and sales efforts. In addition, a CRM will help you capture leads and nurture them from the first visit on your website.

Social Media

Improve Social Connections

An app designed using a Social Media API would have access to profile information and social connections, and would allow the user to post activities directly on users’ profiles/newsfeeds, where permitted.

Online Booking

Two-way calendar sync

Online booking systems can help you grow your business by allowing customers to make reservations, schedule classes, and book vacations directly from your WP website.

Accept Payments

Debit or credit card purchases

If you have a WooCommerce website and want to offer your customers online payment options, you’ll need to integrate a payment gateway like PayPal and Stripe.


WordPress Hosting Services

Your Key to a Reliable and Optimised Website

Our hosting packages provides a range of features essential for maintaining a secure and reliable website. Our hosting services include caching, which helps to speed up your website as well as a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that ensures your website is delivered quickly to users around the world.

We provide firewall protection to protect your site from attacks and DDoS protection to prevent your website from being overwhelmed by traffic spikes. We also offer an SSL certificate to encrypt data transmitted between your website and your users. This is important if your website handles sensitive customer data or payment details.

  • Security
  • Caching
  • SSL
  • Backups
  • Code
  • Images
  • WordPress Security

    Security is of utmost importance to our clients so we ensure website installations are secured on multiple levels. Our WordPress developers use enterprise-level hosting from WP Engine which is universally considered the best WP hosting.

    WP Engine detects threats and blocks attacks to your website and can be secured with multi-factor password authentication requiring an administrators mobile phone to gain access to your files.

    We integrate your website with Cloudflare DNS to provide DDoS mitigation, Bot management and provide further performance and security enhancements.

  • Caching & CDN

    Our developers configure your website to work with advanced caching and a CDN to significantly reduce web page loading times. 

    WPEngine web hosting is based in London with a CDN that has several global server locations to deliver assets faster as they are closer to your international website visitors. Images, CSS and JS files benefit from the performance enhancements due to the CDN reducing your web page loading speed and increasing your Google PageSpeed score. 

  • SSL Certificate

    All hosting we provide includes an SSL certificate. This ensures data transfer is encrypted between your WP website and your website visitors. 

    Google recommends all websites use an SSL certificate which will improve your website’s rank on Google.

    We can import an existing SSL certificate or use a specific SSL certificate if required for a higher level of security, ideal for WooCommerce websites.

  • Daily Backups

    Your hosting is automatically backed-up daily with copies retained for at least 30 days.

    On demand backups of your website can be made which are useful if you need to make updates to plugins or add new functionality.

    Previous website backups can be restored within minutes from within the WPEngine dashboard. 

    A staging and development server is also available which also provide daily backups. 

  • Code Optimisation

    Our developer optimises your websites to ensure only the required JS and CSS files are loaded per page. 

    Unused files are often automatically added by WordPress plugins and themes causing web page bloat and can significantly slow down your website.

    We identify those redundant files and prevent them from loading throughout the site. 

    Code is further optimised by minifying and combining files which enhances loading times further. 

  • Image Optimisation

    Images make up the majority of a web page size and have the biggest impact on page loading times. 

    We created several images sizes to ensure the correct size is derived to the device it is being viewed. This allows for smaller image file sizes to be delivered which can greatly speed up your website and reduce data usage.

    Images are also compressed with no visible loss of quality which can reduce file sizes by 50% or more. 


WordPress WPML Multilingual Plugin

Engaging More Cultures & Customers

The WPML multilingual plugin is an all-in-one solution for creating and managing multilingual websites and blogs on WordPress. With WPML, website owners can easily translate content for posts, pages, products, forums, and navigation menus, ensuring a seamless experience for users in different languages.

Our team of skilled WordPress developers can configure the multilingual plugin to meet your specific needs, whether you're looking to expand your global reach, cater to a multilingual audience, or simply improve your website's accessibility.

One Website, Multiple Languages

Target different language audiences

We start by thoroughly analysing your existing Joomla or Drupal website, understanding its structure, content, and functionalities. This helps us create a detailed migration plan tailored to your specific requirements.

Preferred Language Selection

Increase engagement

The WPML plugin makes it easy for visitors to select their preferred language, which drastically increases the potential of your website in comparison to sites that are not available in different languages.

WordPress WPML Multilingual Plugin Development - WP Canterbury

WordPress CMS Migration

Secure and Efficient Transitions for Your Website

We have extensive experience and expertise migrating websites from Joomla or Drupal to WordPress (WP). We follow a systematic approach to ensure our clients' smooth and successful transition. Our process typically involves a detailed analysis of the website, followed by a planning and execution phase.


Planning the Migration

We start by analysing your existing Joomla or Drupal website, understanding its structure, content, and functionalities. This helps us create a detailed migration plan tailored to your specific requirements.


Moving The Content

We migrate your content, including pages, posts, categories, tags, images, and media files, from your Joomla or Drupal site to the new WP platform. We ensure the content is preserved and any necessary formatting adjustments made.


Design & Theme Development

If you want to keep the same design or create a fresh design, we can develop a custom WordPress theme based on your requirements. We focus on creating a visually appealing, user-friendly design that aligns with your brand.


Feature Replication

We work to replicate the functionalities and features of your existing Joomla or Drupal site within WordPress. Whether it's custom modules, plugins, or specific functionalities, we recreate them or find suitable alternatives in WordPress.


Meta Tags & Redirects

We pay close attention to preserving your site's search engine rankings during the migration process. We ensure redirects are implemented to maintain link integrity and minimise any negative impact on your SEO efforts.


Quality Assurance

Before making your migrated WordPress site live, we test it to ensure everything functions as intended. We cleanup code and check for issues, design inconsistencies and incompatible plugins and fix where needed.


Questions & Answers


Our WordPress development services FAQ section answers common questions regarding our processes, timeline, pricing, and more. If you have any further queries or want to discuss your project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to assist you.

Do you use page builders such as Bricks Builders or Elementor?

Yes, we do. These page builders allow clients to create their pages and manage their content effectively. It also reduces the need to go back to us to make minor changes to the layout of your website.

One issue with page builders is if configured incorrectly, they load a significant amount of unnecessary code, also known as code bloat. We ensure this doesn’t happen using various techniques. In addition, we utilise multiple forms of caching for assets and file delivery.

Page builders also offer many advanced SEO features that are easier to incorporate into a website with a page builder than without.

Elementor is the most popular page builder for WordPress. However, Bricks Builder is more recent and advanced and is our preference. However, we can work with Elementor, Visual Composer and Advanced Custom Fields.

How long does it take to develop a website?

When building a website, the time it takes can vary depending on the size of the website. Smaller websites can take up to a week to build, while larger websites or online stores can take up to 2-3 months. Sometimes, there can be delays in the project, and this is usually because we are waiting for content from the client. For example, we may need pictures of your business or descriptions of your products. We try to anticipate these delays and let you know as early as possible so that you have enough time to provide the necessary content.

What design & development process do you follow?

Our process for website design and development begins with an initial consultation to grasp your requirements. We conduct thorough research on your business, niche, and competitors. Wireframing precedes the design phase, where we meticulously create and select elements such as text, images, videos, fonts, and colours. After finalizing the design, we transition to the development stage, followed by rigorous testing before deploying the completed website live. 

Do you develop mobile responsive websites?

We develop responsive mobile websites based on the design files we create or supplied by our clients. We use at least three break points for desktop tablets and mobile devices. However, we can develop additional breakpoints for large and small mobile devices. We also resize the text to ensure it displays effectively at various mobile widths.


Full-Service WordPress Agency

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Discover our extensive range of WordPress, WooCommerce & digital marketing services aimed to boost your website's performance and elevate your business.